Question: Who is my main competition as I look for an investment banking job?
Answer: Entry level analyst and associate classes at investment banks are filled with new hires, the vast majority of whom are recent graduates from colleges (for analysts) and graduate schools of business (for associates). Though it is tough to acknowledge, candidates do indeed compete with their school classmates (and even friends and roommates!), for slots in incoming classes of bankers. It is probably best to treat such classmates as friends (and as future business contacts) rather than to let the sense of competition get the best of you. Different banks have different cultures, so it is good to keep in mind that you and your friends (the competition) may wind up at the place that is best for each of you.
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Tags: Investment banking job main competition, Investment banking occupation main competition, Investment banking work main competition, Main competition for an investment banking career, Main competition for an investment banking job, Main competition for an investment banking occupation, Main competition for an investment banking profession, Main competition for an investment banking work, Stand out in the investment banking career, Stand out in the investment banking job, Stand out in the investment banking occupation, Stand out in the investment banking profession, Stand out in the investment banking work, Stand out tips when competing for an investment banking career, Stand out tips when competing for an investment banking job, Stand out tips when competing for an investment banking occupation, Stand out tips when competing for an investment banking profession, Stand out tips when competing for an investment banking work