Which courses, classes, or certification programs are expected if you are going to work as an investment banking professional?

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Investment Banking CertificationQuestion: Which courses, classes, or certification programs are expected if you are going to work as an investment banking professional?

Answer: There are no courses or classes that are absolutely mandatory for entrance into the field of investment banking. The large global investment banks routinely hire entry-level employees (first-year analysts) directly from a wide assortment of undergraduate programs, including liberal arts graduates. Having said all of that, it certainly doesn’t hurt for a job applicant to seek exposure to some relevant topics. Some students may have the opportunity to study finance, accounting, economics or even just mathematics and statistics. Others may choose to enroll in outside certification programs such as the Certified Investment Banking Associate (CIBA) program offered by BusinessTraining.com.

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Tags: Certification programs expected if you are going to work as an investment banking expert, Certification programs expected if you are going to work as an investment banking professional, Certification programs expected if you are going to work as an investment banking specialist, Classes expected if you are going to work as an investment banking expert, Classes expected if you are going to work as an investment banking professional, Classes expected if you are going to work as an investment banking specialist, Courses expected if you are going to work as an investment banking expert, Courses expected if you are going to work as an investment banking professional, Courses expected if you are going to work as an investment banking specialist, Expected training to work as an investment banking expert, Expected training to work as an investment banking professional, Expected training to work as an investment banking specialist, Tips to become an investment banking expert, Tips to become an investment banking professional, Tips to become an investment banking specialist, Training expected if you are going to work as an investment banking expert, Training expected if you are going to work as an investment banking professional, Training expected if you are going to work as an investment banking specialist, Training to become an investment banking expert, Training to become an investment banking professional, Training to become an investment banking specialist

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