What tools do investment banking professionals use every day?

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Investment Banking CertificationQuestion: What tools do investment banking professionals use every day?

Answer: Some of the primary tools used on a daily basis by junior-level investment bankers are likely to be Microsoft’s Excel (for financial models and other valuation work), Word (for M&A offering memos) and PowerPoint (for slide shows such as pitch books). Bankers are very likely to be using the internet (or specialized tools such as Bloomberg terminals) to retrieve financial statements on companies, as well as various financial news sources for stock prices, up to date news and other data. Smartphones are used to (almost constantly) stay plugged into to email and phone communications. Let’s not forget the good old calculator for on-the-fly math during meetings.

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Tags: Daily tools used by an investment banking expert, Daily tools used by an investment banking professional, Daily tools used by an investment banking specialist, Listing investment banking expert’s tools, Listing investment banking professional’s tools, Listing investment banking specialist’s tools, Tools used by an investment banking expert, Tools used by an investment banking professional, Tools used by an investment banking specialist, Top tools used by an investment banking expert, Top tools used by an investment banking professional, Top tools used by an investment banking specialist

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