What jobs should an investment banking professional apply for?

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Investment Banking CertificationQuestion: What jobs should an investment banking professional apply for?

Answer: This response is pretty much dictated by the candidate’s level of experience. Students in undergraduate programs or those with an undergraduate degree and as much as a couple of years of work experience would eligible for entry-level analyst positions. Similarly, those enrolled in business school or holding an MBA (with a few years of work experience) would be eligible for entry-level associate positions. Any hiring above the first-year associate level is most likely to consist of lateral (or upwards) moves of professionals between one bank and another (or even within the same large bank). As an example, a Vice President at a large bulge bracket firm might apply for a Director opening at another firm.

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Tags: Applying for a job as an investment banking expert, Applying for a job as an investment banking professional, Applying for a job as an investment banking specialist, Investment banking expert job application, Investment banking experts applying for jobs, Investment banking professional job application, Investment banking professionals applying for jobs, Investment banking specialist job application, Investment banking specialists applying for jobs, Job application tips for a n investment banking expert, Job application tips for a n investment banking professional, Job application tips for a n investment banking specialist, Job positions for an investment banking expert, Job positions for an investment banking professional, Job positions for an investment banking specialist

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