Question: What associations are available to me as an investment banking specialist?
Answer: As was mentioned in the previous response, the investment banking industry is not typically known for its participation in industry associations. Examples of the reasons that an investment banker might choose to be a member of an association might be for networking, for recruiting or for a philanthropic reason. For networking, the banker is best off investigating groups that either focus on a particular industry (airlines, e-commerce, etc.) or within a particular geographical region. Associations affiliated with a banker’s alma mater (college or business school) would also be likely to be available for membership. Finally, as many bankers earn a handsome paycheck, some choose to get involved in any of a number of philanthropic associations.
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Tags: Associations are available to me as an investment banking expert, Associations are available to me as an investment banking professional, Associations are available to me as an investment banking specialist, Associations available for an investment banking expert, Associations available for an investment banking professional, Associations available for an investment banking specialist, Different associations available for an investment banking expert, Different associations available for an investment banking professional, Different associations available for an investment banking specialist, Diverse associations available for an investment banking expert, Diverse associations available for an investment banking professional, Diverse associations available for an investment banking specialist, Investment banking experts available associations, Investment banking expert’s top associations, Investment banking professionals available associations, Investment banking professional’s top associations, Investment banking specialists available associations, Investment banking specialist’s top associations