What abilities do investment banking specialists and professionals need to work effectively in the investment banking field?

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Investment Banking CertificationQuestion: What abilities do investment banking specialists and professionals need to work effectively in the investment banking field?

Answer: There are a number of abilities that are needed to enter investment banking and to succeed once on the job. The abilities include intelligence, a good grasp of numbers, a strong work ethic, the ability to work independently and as part of a team, a strong attention to detail, and the ability to connect well with people. These skills are not necessarily highly specialized but rather are focused on the themes of smarts, commitment to getting a job done, and the ability to present one’s self in a professional manner. In rising through the ranks in the profession, one must also have the ability to network and to manage supporting staff.

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Tags: Abilities needed to work effectively in the investment banking field, Abilities needed to work effectively in the investment banking industry, Abilities to work in the investment banking field, Abilities to work in the investment banking industry, Effectively work in the investment banking field, Effectively work in the investment banking industry, Key abilities needed to work effectively in the investment banking field, Key abilities needed to work effectively in the investment banking industry, Most important abilities an investment banking professional need to work effectively in the field, Most important abilities an investment banking professional need to work effectively in the industry, Working effectively in the investment banking field, Working effectively in the investment banking industry

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