Question: Is training or continuing education required to be a financial modeling specialist? (If not, why is it important to get it then?)
Answer: Training is very important for a financial modeling job. Think of a financial modeling job as akin to a doctor or an engineer. You need to be trained and have the right educational background to become a financial modeler. Whereas you could just get by with training for a job at McDonald’s, the same is not true if you want to be a doctor, an engineer or a financial modeler.
In addition to training, you must also focus on continuing education. For example, there was a time when acquisitions had a different accounting treatment with features such as goodwill, pooling or purchasing. However, accounting rules were changed and items such as goodwill were no longer permitted. So by taking continuing education, you can ensure that you’re up to speed with relevant changes. In general, continuing education once every two years should suffice.
Do You Want to Complete A Financial Modeling Training Course? If you are looking to learn more about completing a financial modeling training program, you should check out our self-paced financial modeling training program on the platform, which is called the Certified Financial Modeling Specialist (CFMS).