How well understood is the investment banking profession?

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Investment Banking CertificationQuestion: How well understood is the investment banking profession?

Answer: The investment banking profession is probably quite misunderstood by the general public. This is in part due to the fact that investment bankers are most often employed by large, often global, banks that have a multitude of functions. Their employees may be called “bankers” but that term can encompass a variety of fields within a bank that vary greatly from actual investment banking. Members of the public are likely to associate a number of non-investment banking professions as investment bankers; these fields could include retail stock brokers, traders (debt, equity, currency, options or other exotic derivatives), wealth or money managers, and more.

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Tags: Discovering the investment banking career, Discovering the investment banking job, Discovering the investment banking occupation, Discovering the investment banking profession, Discovering the investment banking work, Finding out about the investment banking career, Finding out about the investment banking job, Finding out about the investment banking occupation, Finding out about the investment banking profession, Finding out about the investment banking work, Getting to know the investment banking career, Getting to know the investment banking job, Getting to know the investment banking occupation, Getting to know the investment banking profession, Getting to know the investment banking work, Tips for knowing about the investment banking career, Tips for knowing about the investment banking job, Tips for knowing about the investment banking occupation, Tips for knowing about the investment banking profession, Tips for knowing about the investment banking work, Well understood investment banking career, Well understood investment banking job, Well understood investment banking occupation, Well understood investment banking profession, Well understood investment banking work, Well-known investment banking career, Well-known investment banking job, Well-known investment banking occupation, Well-known investment banking profession, Well-known investment banking work

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