How much is education vs. experience valued in the financial modeling industry?

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Financial ModelingQuestion: How much is education vs. experience valued in the financial modeling industry?

Answer: It is a combination of education, continuous learning and experience. Think of a career in financial modeling requiring a basic foundation. That foundation is your initial education and training, which includes courses in math, accounting, finance, financial modeling, Excel programming, etc. The foundation equips you to build a career on top. Now, if you have the foundation but take up a job where you do no financial modeling, your foundation lies useless. However, if you channel your education into a job in financial modeling, and then garner as much experience as you can on a wide variety of financial models (one trick ponies have limited value, so diversify your experience), you will be highly valued. Lastly, if you keep up with professional associations and are up to date on accounting changes or innovations in the field, you will do very well.

Do You Want to Complete A Financial Modeling Training Course? If you are looking to learn more about completing a financial modeling training program, you should check out our self-paced financial modeling training program on the platform, which is called the Certified Financial Modeling Specialist (CFMS).

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