How important is it to have a degree in investment banking to work in the investment banking industry?

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Investment Banking CertificationQuestion: How important is it to have a degree in investment banking to work in the investment banking industry?

Answer: To my knowledge, there are not any university degrees in investment banking, and if there are any, they certainly are not at all important to working in the investment banking industry. Many of the biggest banks have on-campus recruiting programs at liberal arts schools. Very few entry-level candidates will have been exposed to the intricacies of investment banking during their studies. Banks simply want to hire people who are capable of and willing to learn. This doesn’t mean that educational exposure to finance, business, economics or accounting hurts an applicant, but it is by no means necessary to finding a job.

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Tags: certification in investment banking, Degree required for the investment banking field, Degree required for the investment banking industry, Having a degree in investment banking to work in the investment banking field, Having a degree in investment banking to work in the investment banking industry, Importance of having a degree in the investment banking field, Importance of having a degree in the investment banking industry, Important degree in the investment banking field, Important degree in the investment banking industry, Investment banking certification to work in the investment banking field, Investment banking certification to work in the investment banking industry, Investment banking degree to work in the investment banking field, Investment banking degree to work in the investment banking industry

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