How could I start my own business or consulting firm while using my expertise and knowledge in financial modeling?

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Financial ModelingQuestion: How could I start my own business or consulting firm while using my expertise and knowledge in financial modeling?

Answer: Check the laws in your state or country. In the U.S., it is quite easy to register your business as a Sole Proprietorship (SP) at the most basic level. If you like, you could team up with a few colleagues and register your business as a Limited Partnership (LP). Please contact a lawyer or check online for the specific options available in your state or country.

Once you have registered your business and picked up a suitable business name, you would be well served to develop a website. The website can be brief, and grow over time. In its most basic form, the website should give prospective clients some background information on your financial modeling expertise, the kinds of projects you have executed, customer testimonials if you have any, and case studies and samples of your work.

Next, you could use online networking (such as LinkedIn or craigslist) or your own network to get projects.

Do You Want to Complete A Financial Modeling Training Course? If you are looking to learn more about completing a financial modeling training program, you should check out our self-paced financial modeling training program on the platform, which is called the Certified Financial Modeling Specialist (CFMS).

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