How can I get an internship in the investment banking industry?

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Investment Banking CertificationQuestion: How can I get an internship in the investment banking industry?

Answer: The normal route to an internship is similar to that used to secure full-time entry-level employment, but the internship program would be likely to take place during the summer preceding the candidate’s final year of schooling. Many banks have details about their internship programs in the “Careers” section of their corporate website. Some banks recruit both undergraduates (as analyst interns) and MBA candidates (as associate interns). The hiring process usually involves submitting a personalized cover letter along with a resume. Banks will then conduct in-person interviews.  A successful internship is often a stepping stone to an offer of a full-time position with an investment bank.

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Tags: Getting an internship in the investment banking field, Getting an internship in the investment banking industry, How can I get ready for the investment banking field?, How can I get ready for the investment banking industry?, Internship in the investment banking field, Internship in the investment banking industry, Investment banking field internship, Investment banking industry internship, Why internship in the investment banking field is important?, Why internship in the investment banking industry is important?

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