Do you have any good stories or examples on how I can secure a financial modeling internship?

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Financial ModelingQuestion: Do you have any good stories or examples on how I can secure a financial modeling internship?

Answer: One good example was an engineering student who wanted to get a job with an investment bank. His resume was quite different from others with business degrees because it was more technology oriented. This student knew that there was a high probability his resume would get screened out early in the process. So, instead of throwing his resume into the stack with the rest, he tried a different tack. He read technology research reports put out by the bank, analyzed their financial models and valuations, and started an email correspondence with the head of technology equity research at the bank. He got no reply initially but persisted gently, without being in your face, and after a month was rewarded with a reply. He did not express any desire to work at the bank, but merely expressed his passion for the combination of technology and financial model through his analysis. Ultimately, the investment bank was so impressed, they called him in, and without a formal interview process, made him an “offer he could not refuse”. So, you should always think of ways to turn a situation to your advantage.

Do You Want to Complete A Financial Modeling Training Course? If you are looking to learn more about completing a financial modeling training program, you should check out our self-paced financial modeling training program on the platform, which is called the Certified Financial Modeling Specialist (CFMS).

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