Do financial modeling professionals normally work in-house or as a consultant?

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Financial ModelingQuestion: Do financial modeling professionals normally work in-house or as a consultant?

Answer: Financial modeling professionals can do both, work in-house or as consultants. It really depends on the type of company that you join. If you join a mainstream company like say General Motors or Toyota or Exxon Mobil or any other, you will most likely be focused on multi-billion dollar internal planning, budgeting, capital acquisition or mergers and acquisitions type projects. If you work with a consulting company such as McKinsey or Accenture, you will primarily work on financial modeling assignments for clients that are mostly corporate firms that hire these consultants for their specialized skills and vast industry background. Firms such as investment management companies and mutual funds like Fidelity or T. Rowe Price employ financial analysts to work on internal valuation models. So, based on your preferences, you could pick an employer that offers either in-house or consulting assignments.

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