Do financial modeling professionals need any sort of license to work in the financial modeling industry?

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Financial ModelingQuestion: Do financial modeling professionals need any sort of license to work in the financial modeling industry?

Answer: Financial modeling professionals do not need any license to work in the financial modeling industry per se. However, if you are dealing with stocks, bonds and financial securities, then your government may want you to clear certain examinations to reduce potential liabilities for your employer. Many investment banks require that their financial modelers clear a certain set of examinations, and often run in-house coaching classes to help their employees clear these exams.

If you want to be an independent financial modeling consultant, your chances of getting hired increase if you can prove that you have earned a certification such as a CFA (Certified Financial Analyst) – it just gives potential employers the confidence that you have what it needs to do the job.

Do You Want to Complete A Financial Modeling Training Course? If you are looking to learn more about completing a financial modeling training program, you should check out our self-paced financial modeling training program on the platform, which is called the Certified Financial Modeling Specialist (CFMS).

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