Investing in Renewable Energy – A Trend with Growth Potential

Of all the different types of energy out there, it seems that renewable sources such as solar or wind powered energy are going to be the most long-lasting in the future. This can be of interest to investors who want to push this industry forward while at the same time making a profit on an interesting development. There has been a great deal of focus in the news in the past few years on renewable energy sources, and there are several reasons why you might want to think about investing in renewable energy. This includes moral factors such as the fact that it can help fight global warming and peak oil and improves energy security. It also includes the fact that these are hot trends at the moment which can be cashed in on.

To get started with investing in renewable energy and becoming a part of this growing trend, you will want to look at mutual funds and individual stocks. Some of the available mutual funds include the New Alternatives Fund, Calvert Global Alternative Energy Fund, and the Guinness Atkinson Alternative Energy Fund. There are also ETFs which can be a more cost effective way to invest in the energy sector, such as the NASDAQ Clean Edge US Liquid Series ETF. The best option will depend on how much you want to invest and how long-term of a project you consider this investment.

Those who want to invest a significant amount in this field will want to choose some individual stocks as well as the mutual funds or ETFs. When it comes to investing in renewable energy, a blend of established companies and new up and comers is the best way to diversify your portfolio and see slow, steady growth as well as some fast gains. Solar and wind power are two new sources of alternative or renewable energy to consider as well. Many of the up and coming renewable energy companies have recently suffered losses due to the slow global economy, so now is a good time to take advantage of the low prices and help build these companies back up again.

To pick individual stocks in the interest of investing in renewable energy, it’s a good idea to turn to professional financial advising services for assistance. This is an industry that is experiencing momentary uncertainty, although the long term outlook is promising. As society turns more and more to renewable sources of energy, investing in those companies that can make this a reality can be a profitable enterprise.