How do investment banking consultants find clients?

Investment Banking CertificationQuestion: How do investment banking consultants find clients?

Answer: As noted in previous FAQ responses, the vast majority of investment bankers are employed by banks that can vary in size from global banking enterprises with tens of thousands of employees to regional boutique advisory firms with just a handful of professionals. Bankers who operate as independent consultants are likely to be former top-level bankers with impressive track records of transactions and large arrays of relevant contacts. Such bankers would find clients by staying plugged into their network and by getting referrals from a number of sources – management teams (CEOs, COOs, CFOs), lawyers, accountants, or even other investment bankers.

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Tags: Doing client research as an investment banking advisor, Doing client research as an investment banking consultant, Doing client research as an investment banking counselor, Doing client research as an investment banking mentor, Finding clients as an investment banking advisor, Finding clients as an investment banking consultant, Finding clients as an investment banking counselor, Finding clients as an investment banking mentor, Investment banking advisor finding clients, Investment banking advisor’s clients, Investment banking consultant finding clients, Investment banking consultant’s clients, Investment banking counselor finding clients, Investment banking counselor’s clients, Investment banking mentor finding clients, Investment banking mentor’s clients